Monday, October 1, 2007

Keeping it Democratic

Living in a democracy is about more than voting once every three years (although that's a big part of it) - it's also about decisions being made in a democratic way in between elections.

That's why the proposal of John Banks and C&R to stop Councillors sitting on consent hearings is a terrible idea.

The reason that elected Councillors sit on these hearings is to ensure that the community, through their elected representatives actually get a say on proposed developments that will have a direct impact on the community. Elected representatives have a special role in this sense as they are directly accountable to the community.

It is essential that developments such as the proposed mega McDonalds at Balmoral are actually considered by representatives of the community.

While independent commissioners will bring certain expertise to the table, it isn't commissioners who will have to live with the consequences of a shonky development in their backyard - it is the community. City Vision Talk is also extremely concerned by who a C&R Council would appoint as independent commissioners - the last thing we need are greedy property developers and zealous free-marketeers opening our city up to their rich mates.

Whatsmore, independent commissioners will cost ratepayers more that having Councillors on hearings panels! A case of wasteful spending if ever we've heard one.

Only a vote for City Vision will ensure local decisions get made by accountable elected representatives.

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