Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hard campaigning in Roskill

The City Vision team in Mt Roskill are running a hard on the ground campaign to talk to the public about City Vision's record and policies, and our plans for the area.

Attached is a picture of Avondale-Roskill Council candidate Bruce McCarthy, and Roskill Community Board member Corinne McLaren at the Roskill Village Housing New Zealand flats on Stoddard Rd.

Bruce, Corinne, and Michael Wood spent yesterday afternoon doorknocking the village and talking to residents. The response was very positive. Residents are still furious at John Banks and C&R for hocking off their homes (which were Council owned Pensioner flats) during their last term in office. Banks and C&R have again positioned themselves against affordable housing in Auckland by pledging to scrap the affordable housing project.

Only a City Vision/Labour Council will deliver a socially just Auckland that ordinary people can afford to live in.

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